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March 2025

February 2025

January 2025


President’s Message

Hello Pinellas Colleagues, 

Thanks for a great February with you all!  We had a great event at Bascom’s with Adequan. In case you weren’t there or didn’t do this as suggested on your drive home, I assign the following task to all of our PCVMA members. Please come up with 1 reason today why you are the BEST vet for your patients (I didn’t say perfect) and 1 reason why you love your job. Did you think of them?  (Actually, do it!)

We have another anticipated meeting at Bascom’s coming up on March 10th. In light of St. Patrick’s Day, I feel truly lucky to be your president. Have a great month! 

 Julie, Mosher, DVM


Drs. Brooke Certa and Kim Donovan have retired from the BOD. We are grateful for their many years of service to the PCVMA. Drs. Megan Branham and Nia Rametta were elected each to serve two-year terms at our February PCVMA meeting. Congratulations!


President: Dr. Julie, Mosher, DVM (Edge Animal Hospital)

President-Elect: Dr. Kevin Kelly (Veterinary Emergency Group) (2024-25)

Past-President: Dr. Joel Murphy (Animal and Bird Medical Center of Palm Harbor)

Secretary: Dr. Sandra Truli Springer – (Truli Holistic Veterinary Services)

Treasurer: Dr. Don Howell (Midway Animal Hospital)


Dr. Todd Bliss – (Bliss Family Veterinarian) (2024-25)

Dr. Megan Branham – (SPC College of Veterinary Technology) (2025-26)

Dr. Ernie Godfrey – (Pinellas Animal Hospital) (Life Member)

Dr. Jacqui Olson – (Animal Hospital of Dunedin) (2024-25)

Dr. Nia Rametta – (Coastal Animal Clinic) (2025-26)


Dr. Don Morgan – Donmorgansr@aol.com



Print Application Here





December – Happy Holidays

PCVMA Meetings Scheduled for 2025:

April 10-13, 2025 – FVMA AC Bonnet Creek – Disney

May 19, 2025 – Zoetis RX Team – Bascom’s Chop House

June 16, 2025 – Zoetis DX Team –

July 14, 2025 – Purina – Bascom’s Chop House

August 18, 2025 – Elanco – Bascom’s Chop House

September 22, 2025 –  FETCH – Bascon’s Chop House

October 13, 2025, Nutramax – Bascom’s Chop House

November 8, 2025 – Bowser and Catsino Ball – Belleair Country Club

December Happy Holidays

PCVMA Meetings Scheduled for 2026

January – No meeting

February 21, 2026 – Pharmacy Dispensing and the Florida Laws and Rules –  Marriott-Roosevelt

March 16, 2026 – TBVS THRIVE – Bascom’s Chop Hou                                                                                

If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or 727-397-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.

Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.

Community Veterinary Hospital for Sale
Practice for sale or lease= Largo, Fl
Well established practice +/- land..  Owner semi-retired
Fully equipped with digital x-ray., ultrasound, electrosurgical units,
laser, endoscopes, Idexx and Abaxis blood machines, Avimark.
Contact  Dr. Lester Mandelker  Text: 727-744-9635 or call 727-585-2007
Will stay on for easy conversion.
Dr Kenny Mitchel

Dr. Kenny Mitchel

One orthopedic pack and one ophthalmic pack $300 each to good home. 727-501-6708

Surgical Instruments - Dr Kenny Mitchel

Surgical Instruments

Orthopedic Instruments - Dr Kenny Mitchel

Orthopedic Instruments








Parkview Animal Hospital-VetScan SA Sediment Analyzer and two SA Reagent Kits

We have a VetScan SA Sediment Analyzer and two SA Reagent Kits that we are looking to sell. $8,750.00

$8,000.00 for VetScan only or $750.00 for reagents only.

ParkView Animal Hospital (727) 526-3137


If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or 727-397-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.

Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.

FDA Pivotal Trial Evaluating the Effect of Intra-articular Allogeneic Umbilical Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the control of clinical signs associated with osteoarthritis in Dogs

Saint Francis Pet Care Centers, with locations in Tarpon Springs and Trinity Florida is currently recruiting dogs with chronic lameness due to osteoarthritis of the stifle, hip, shoulder, or elbow for a clinical trial under the direction of Dr. Michael Amsberry  of The Pet Stem Cell Institute (www.PetStemCells.org) through a study sponsored by Animal Cell Therapies of San Diego California (ACT).

Study Design:  This is a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-site, pivotal  clinical field trial conducted at practices within the United States evaluating 320 dogs that  meet the inclusion criteria.  All four major appendicular joints are to be studied (stifles, hips, shoulders, and elbows).  These dogs will receive a single injection of stem cells or LRS in one or two affected joints and evaluated over the course of 12 months post injection.  All candidates receiving the placebo will be invited to receive stem  cell injections at the end of the study.

Inclusion Criteria:  Any well-tempered–dog over 1 year of age displaying joint pain for at least 3 months, which is not associated with joint instability (ie. Cranial drawer, MPL, hip luxation etc…)   Candidates currently receiving stable dosing of NSAIDs and/or joint supplements may be included.  Dogs with joint deformity, OCD, infectious or immune-mediated arthritis, joint surgery in the last 6 months, previous stem cell treatments or any form of cancer, spinal disease, are excluded.  Dogs intended for breeding, pregnant, or lactating are also excluded.

Compensation:  Study-related medical care is provided by the sponsor, and participating pet owners will be compensated.

If you would like more information about enrollment in this study, please contact us or see our website  www.PetStemCells.org


Heather Birkhimer – Practice Manager


(727) 937-7600

Blue Pearl Looking for Dogs with Mammary Carcinoma

New Clinical Trial Option for Dogs with Mammary Carcinoma

Do you have any patients that may benefit from this fully funded opportunity?

Evaluation of a New Therapeutic Option for Mammary Carcinoma

A new investigational drug for canine mammary carcinoma is available for your patients. In this pivotal clinical trial, we will examine the safety and efficacy of a novel formulation that has been granted conditional approval by the US FDA for the indication mammary carcinoma. The clinical trial is being conducted in both the EU and US.

Trial Eligibility Criteria

 Female dogs of any age, weight or breed

 Dogs with measurable disease of mammary carcinoma (at least one target lesion with a longest diameter (LD) of ≥ 10 mm) of stage III-V, and in whom, according to the primary care veterinarian and investigator, curative intent surgery cannot be performed or has been declined by the owner

 Criteria regarding stage of disease and concurrent illnesses can be discussed with the investigator

 No prior chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal or biological therapy directed at the target lesion is or has been initiated

 Life expectancy due to the studied disease, in the primary care veterinarian and investigator’s opinions, is greater than 1 month with treatment

Trial Support and Funding

Dogs will be randomized to receive the new investigational drug or placebo at a 2:1 ratio. Dogs that are randomized to placebo and progress during the 4-cycle treatment period will be offered rescue treatment by the investigator as determined by the protocol.

All diagnostic tests, study drug, rescue medication, and follow-up exams will be paid for by the Study Sponsor.

If you have patients that meet the criteria above, please contact Drs. Curtis Kane or Jen Coyle, or technicians Lexy Julian or Rob Guevara in our Tampa hospital at 813.933.8944.

Blue Pearl Looking for Dogs with Lymphoma - Clinical Treatment Trial

Approximately 25% of dogs with peripheral lymphoma have the T-Cell form. BluePearl is offering a clinical trial to assess the benefit of adding a novel monoclonal antibody treatment to a single-agent CCNU chemotherapy protocol in dogs with T-Cell lymphoma.

This is a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Dogs with peripheral lymphoma will have blood work, radiographs, lymph node biopsy, and flow cytometry performed to confirm the presence of non-indolent T-Cell lymphoma. Those dogs with the T-Cell form will be offered inclusion in the study. Those dogs determined after screening to have B-Cell lymphoma will not be eligible for the study.

Inclusion criteria for screening:

* Dogs older than 1 year of age and at least 10 kg.
* One or more peripheral lymph nodes ≥2 cm diameter
* Owners must be willing to pay for the initial exam, blood work, and
radiographs used to screen potential candidates

Exclusion criteria:

* Prior chemotherapy, immunotherapy or molecular-targeted therapy
* Glucocorticoid therapy for more than 7 days prior to enrollment
* Concurrent uncontrolled medical condition

What do pet owners have to do?

Owners must be willing to pay for their dog’s initial consultation, blood work, urinalysis and thoracic radiographs. Biopsy of the lymph node and flow cytometry to confirm the presence of T-Cell lymphoma will be performed at no charge to the pet owner. Owners must be able to present their dog twice per week for 4 weeks, then every other week for 4 treatments, then monthly for 8 months or until disease progression. Once progressive disease is confirmed, the dog will be removed from the study.

What do pet owners receive if their dog is accepted into the study?

All procedures and treatments required by the study, including chemotherapy, antibody therapy, exams and recheck blood work will be fully funded.

Enrolling your patients in this trial:

If you have patients that meet the criteria above, please contact Drs. Curtis Kane or Jen Coyle, or technicians Emily Kinsler, Lexy Julian, or Brenda Fulcher in our Tampa hospital at 813.933.8944.

Chi Univeristy - Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Doberman Pinscher dogs
We are presently seeking patients to participate in our prospective, placebo controlled, randomized study on Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM) in Doberman Pinscher dogs.
The study is examining the efficacy of adding two Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulas (CHM) to the conventional treatment protocol for Doberman Pinscher dogs who have been diagnosed with Overt or Stage III DCM.  The formulas are Compound Dan Shen and Zhen Wu Tang. Anecdotal evidence and research performed in humans with diabetic cardiomyopathy support that the mechanism of action of these herbal medicines may extend the life and the quality of life for Doberman Pinscher dogs with this disease. The primary question of the study is simple: “Does the addition of CHM allow for greater survival of subjects over control patient at 6 months and beyond?”

The study will require the enrollment of 40 Doberman Pinscher dogs of any age or sex diagnosed with overt DCM (Stage III) within 2 weeks of enrollment. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are:

· Inclusion criteria: (1) diagnosed with stage III DCM, characterized by morphological and electrical abnormalities with symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF) within the last 2 weeks; and (2) owners must agree to complete a quality of life questionnaire.

· Exclusion criteria: (1) with concomitant congenital heart disease or primary mitral valve disease be excluded, and (2) with co-existing diseases having a prognosis of £ 6 months.

Participants are required to obtain laboratory tests (chemistry, CBC, UA), Holter exam, and echocardiograms prior to enrollment as well as at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months.

Qualified subjects will be randomly placed into the Control group or the Study group.  Patients in the Study group will receive the two CHM formulas while patients in the Control group will receive placebo capsules of a similar quantity. The cost of the CHM’s and the placebo will be covered by the study, which is being funded by the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Foundation.

Owners will be blinded to which group their pet belong.  Patients enrolled in the study will be required to receive echocardiograms and Holter monitor exams every 3 months for the course of the study.  The owners will be asked to fill out a Quality of Life questionnaire every 3 months. These patients will be monitored for 12 months.  Enrollment in the study is scheduled to begin on March 22, 2021. Anyone interested in enrolling a patient in the study may contact us at dobermanpinscherstudydcm@gmail.com.
Gregory Todd DVM
Assistant Professor
Chi University
Wanted Diabetic Cats

Seeking cats newly diagnosed with uncomplicated diabetes mellitus for participation in a clinical study for a new treatment for diabetes mellitus. For more information, including benefits to you (referral veterinarian) and your client:



If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or 727-397-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.

Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.

Paws and Claws Animal Medical Center - Dunedin FL
We are looking for a compassionate, friendly full time receptionist!  We do not look at a receptionist as a receptionist but a person that runs the ship and helps guide us through our day! We are a clinic that embraces our receptionist and know that it is a hard position! We use Avimark and would prefer a receptionist that is familiar with this software system. 
What we are looking for:
* A happy face! Some one that enjoys helping our families despite the stress and emotion they be having.
* Able to handle phone calls, check families out, and able to triage emergencies.
* Understands Avimark and able to use the software.
* Wants to learn and grow.
What do we offer you?
* Competitive salary ( 90 day review)
* Medical benefits
* Paid time off for full time employees
* 401 K with matching 
* Continued education
*Discounts with services and products for your pets
Why do you pick us?
We are a small clinic but one with passion and care for our families and pets. We want our team to be like family and work together to enjoy the day and get through the hard moments that veterinary medicine can give to us. 
Please contact: Sheila: Sheila@pacamc.com, 727-953-6588


If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or 727-397-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.

Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.

Air Animal Pet Movers
The award winning pet transport service seeks to employ a permanent part-time Vet Tech Monday thru Friday at its Tampa location. Experience in exam room protocols required. No surgery; no radiology; simply to assist in the examination of pets (dogs & cats) for airline leisure travel and/or air cargo transport.

Looking to get out of the house; seeking to renew the veterinary experience, please visit the following website  www.airanimal.com/careers to submit your application and resume. You are applying for the “veterinary technician” position and need not be a CVT.

A limited service veterinary practice. Established 1977.

Animal Hospital of Seminole

Animal Hospital of Seminole is looking for a full or part time CVT with previous experience working in a small animal hospital to join our 3 doctor practice. Please contact Kim Kasnow at 727-393-3102.

Florida Veterinary Clinic and Mobile Clinic
Seeking experience veterinary technician to add to our busy one doctor practice. We have a brick and mortar building and also make house calls twice weekly on our mobile unit. This is a full time position located in North St. Petersburg. We would prefer to have a credentialed technician but are open to work experience equivalent of 2 years or more. This position would require knowledge of standard vaccine protocols, pharmacology, anesthesia, radiology, and phlebotomy. Please email your resume to info@flmobilevet.com or stop by in person, M-W 9-12. Benefits offered.
Annalea Klimes
Office Manager
Florida Veterinary Clinic
Florida Mobile Veterinary Clinic
8500 4th St. N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33702
Furry Friends Veterinary Center

Furry Friends Veterinary Center is seeking a full-time veterinary nurse. We are a new veterinary hospital that is rapidly growing and looking for the perfect addition to join our amazing team! Our hospital is located in north St. Pete, near Largo and Clearwater. We have a focus on high-quality medicine and personal relationships with our clients. Come meet our friendly, team-oriented staff and see our modern facility.

Please contact our nurse manager, Bryan Whited, for more information:

Furry Friends Veterinary Center

4525 Ulmerton Road, Clearwater, FL 33762




Metzler Veterinary Hospital

Metzler Veterinary Hospital is an AAHA accredited small animal hospital seeking a full and or part-time CVT to join our team.  We welcome new graduates.  Our beautiful newer facility is fully equipped including a great support staff.  We are located in a desirable area of Clearwater Florida. Please copy/paste resume in the body of e-mail (attachments may not open) to jbaummvh@gmail.com  Thank you!

Qualifications: Please apply if you have veterinary/shelter experience, a positive attitude, and the desire to serve a great clientele. Avimark a plus. Attention to detail, computer skills, communication skills, professional appearance and character, non-smoker, drug testing/background check prior to employment are all requirements for this position. Physical capability of lifting, bending, restraining patients and sitting for long periods are a requirement for this job. Must be 18 years of age. Our Clients, Patients and Team are important to us!

SPCA Tampa Bay

SPCA Tampa Bay offers a variety of veterinary roles at both our St. Pete Veterinary Center and Shelter in Largo.  Possible opportunities include: Client Care Specialists, Vet Assistants, Vet Techs and

Certified Vet Techs!

Please visit www.spcatampabay.org/careers for more information and to apply! 

Izzie Rosich – HR Manager 

Sunset Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary Technician position open at Sunset Veterinary Surgery.  We are a small privately owned surgery only practice with emphasis on personal care for the patients and owners.
We currently have one surgeon, 2 full time techs and 1 part time.  We are looking for another full time tech.  No weekend duty.  Please apply by email to sunsetvetsurgery@earthlink.net
The Cat Hospital On Park Street

Join a fantastic team!

The Cat Hospital on Park Street is looking for a F/T technician. We are a busy, growing, feline-only one doctor practice in St. Petersburg, FL. We are an AAFP Gold Standard, compassionate practice devoted to the health & well-being of our patients.

We offer a warm, friendly work environment with a great team atmosphere. M-F hours; some weekends required for boarders & hospitalized patients. Paid vac, retirement bene, pd holidays

Ideal candidate will be a self-motivated, experienced technician who is adept at both patient care and client care. Primary duties will include working exam rooms, handling of cats, phlebotomy, IV catheter placement, a familiarity with surgery assists & administering prescribed treatments. Candidate must be willing to cross train in all areas of our hospital. Familiarity with AviMark a plus, but we are willing to train new candidates.

Please contact Vicki at catsonpark@gmail.com


If the status of your classified ad has changed or you wish to include an ad in the PCVMA newsletter, please contact Dr. Don Morgan at Donmorgansr@aol.com or 727-397-7387 (PAF/PCVMA Office) or 727-410-7856 (Cell) for the next newsletter.

Also, if you change your e-mail address or practice location, please notify my in
order to continue to receive meeting notices and the news letter.

Animal and Bird Hospital of Clearwater

Well established 30 year small animal and exotic practice in Clearwater, Florida is seeking to find a part-time veterinarian to add to our family. Many of our employees have been with our hospital 15+ years. We love what we do: give our patients excellent care with the latest in digital radiology, ultrasound, surgical CO2 laser and low level therapeutic laser. We deal in all species of animals. Only about 5% of the patients are exotics. You don’t have to know it all, just be willing to learn. We have a very high paced clinic so it will never be boring.  Check us out at www.myanimalandbird.com.  
Email resume to kwhite@myanimalandbird.com

Animal Care Clinic of Largo

Voted Best Veterinarian (2022 Readers’ Choice Pinellas), is seeking a PT or FT associate veterinarian to join our team of highly-trained and experienced animal lovers. Established in 2012, we are a privately owned, small animal hospital offering affordable, convenient and quality care to pets in Largo, FL, and the surrounding Pinellas and Tampa Bay areas. No on-call, no evenings, no boarding, no grooming and no drama!

We strongly believe that good communication is an important component for a successful outcome. If this philosophy is yours, too, and you have a minimum of two years’ experience, please email your resume to animalcareclinicmanager@gmail.com. 727-614-9732

Brittany Camacho, Hospital Manager
1100 Seminole Blvd, Largo, FL 33770

Animal Hospital of Dunedin

The Animal Hospital of Dunedin, on the sunny Gulf Coast of Florida, is looking for a goal oriented, highly motivated, responsible, and enthusiastic veterinarian, excited to provide high-quality veterinary medicine. You are invited to join the staff of a eight doctor, progressive, integrative, and high producing practice.

The practice offers services provided by a Board Certified Internist as well as integrative medical approaches. You’ll develop your own clientele while practicing in a group setting. The potential for success in this setting is limitless for a hard working individual. Compensation depends on experience and motivation to serve your clients’ and patients’ medical care needs. New graduates with similar goals and ideals will be considered. Experience or interest in Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine is a plus. All Florida licensed or eligible applicants welcome.

Please contact Dr. Michael Bartholomew at 727-733-9351, or e-mail your information to ahoddrb@gmail.com. We are looking forward to meeting you!!

Avian and Animal Hospital of Bardmoor
Join our busy, well-established practice as a full-time small animal/exotic veterinarian. At Avian and Animal Hospital, we believe that professional/personal balance is important so we provide a schedule that emphasizes quality of life as well as competitive benefits and salary. 
We see many types of animals including dogs, cats, avian, pocket pet, non-venomous reptiles, other exotic pets, and local wildlife including seabirds, birds of prey, and opossums. Every day is new and exciting. Our patient load balances out at roughly 50% dogs and cats, and 50% exotics.
Avian and Animal Hospital has been caring for cherished pets in Pinellas County since 1987. We pride ourselves on progressive, high-quality medicine and surgery and in our hospital we believe that “your pet’s health is our life’s passion”.

We hope to meet you and talk more about how fun our practice can be! You can give us a call at 727-398-1928 or send us an email at kayla.kaser@avianandanimal.com.
Kayla Kaser, CVT, BAS-VT
Veterinary Practice Manager
Avian and Animal Hospital
11405 Starkey Rd. Largo, FL
BluePearl Veterinary Partners

BluePearl Veterinary Partners is seeking a full time ER clinician to join our team in Tampa Bay, Florida. We also have per diem relief opportunities available. Our BluePearl hospitals in Tampa Bay offer specialty and emergency veterinary care, with ER, Critical Care, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Ophthalmology, Neurology, Cardiology and Dermatology. We practice high quality, progressive medicine in a collaborative environment. Our case load is high and diverse. We are looking for a hardworking, motivated, compassionate ER doctor- preferably internship trained. We offer competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits. BluePearl is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For details or to apply to this position, go to:


Click here for our Full-Time ER Opportunities.

Click here for or Relief ER Opportunities.

Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital

Associate veterinarian opportunity – Come join our team

Do you love puppies and kittens, dogs and cats? Yes? Yeah! Do you love grumbly dogs and Burger-the-Cat cats (check You Tube!) who may not really love and appreciate the vet? Yes? Awesome! Do you enjoy people who love their pets and want great veterinary care for them? Yes? This could be the perfect place for you!

Privately owned by the practicing veterinarian, Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital offers a unique and rewarding environment free from corporate bureaucracy. Our team is a tight-knit group of hard-working, talented, and dedicated individuals who genuinely love what they do. We prioritize quality patient care while maintaining a positive and supportive work atmosphere. Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital is ready to add a mature, diplomatic, kind-hearted, humble, relationship-oriented (and smart!) veterinarian to our thriving, growing hospital!

Part-time, Flex-time or Full-time Associate Veterinarian wanted.

Flexible schedule. No on-call. No weekends. Enjoy a healthy life balance!
Competitive compensation structure with opportunities for growth and advancement.
Flexible benefits package tailored to your priorities. Options can include:

– PTO (Paid Time Off)

– 401K contributions

– Continuing Education allowance

– Licensing and Association Fees

– Student Loan Assistance

Our hospital is a cozy, modern, farmhouse-style, newly built in 2020. Our 3000 square foot hospital has all the basics including GE Versana Ultrasound, digital radiology, digital Dental radiology, iM3 Dental Unit with high-speed handpiece, DoctorVet Laser and Abaxis In-House Labs. We provide complete care for healthy canine and feline patients and patients that need more complex medical, dental and surgical care. We are in close proximity to multiple referral hospitals and emergency clinics for our patients that need next-level care.

Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital is located in Largo, Florida between St. Petersburg and Clearwater in the beautiful Tampa Bay area. Enjoy easy access to our pristine Gulf Coast beaches, vibrant culture and all the amenities Tampa Bay has to offer. Come grow with us!

Send resume and cover letter to:

Dr. Jane Mayo
Cornerstone Veterinary Hospital
11405 Seminole Blvd
Largo, FL 33778

Gulf Animal Hospital

Gulf Animal Hospital is located in beautiful South Pasadena. We are looking for a part-time or full-time veterinarian to join our exclusively small animal practice, with the potential for a future partnership/buyout. We currently have two full time doctors and are looking to grow. We provide routine care, dental cleanings/extractions and surgeries for our patients. We pride ourselves in patient care, client/staff communication and teamwork. Two years of post-graduate experience is preferred, however, new graduates are welcome. Email resume to melissa.gulfah@gmail.com. Or call 727-381-5005 if you have any questions.

Haines Road Animal Hospital

Haines Road Animal Hospital has an opportunity for a Full Time Veterinary Technician to join our team! 

Compensation: $20-23/hr; Increases with commensurate experience! Licensure not required, but valued! 

Location: 4342 Haines Rd N, St. Petersburg, FL 33714

Shift Details: 4 Weekday Shifts; M-F 8a-6p NO WEEKENDS!!!

***Extensive Surgical Suite Experience/Comfortability Highly Valued!***

We are looking for a candidate who enjoys being in surgery, and will appreciate being primarily in this area of the hospital! 

Job Summary:   This position provides leadership and training to the medical support staff in the operation of a small animal facility in accordance with hospital policy and procedures and provides medical care to patients as allowed in the veterinary practice act. The Veterinary Technician will be able to communicate effectively with employees and clients and have great attention to detail and organizational abilities. 


  • Industry leading pay for you, discounts for your furry friends
  • Medical, vision and dental benefits package.
  • 401k program with company match starting day 1
  • A yearly scrub allowance for all employees.
  • Flexible schedule with a focus on work-life harmony 
  • Quarterly bonus opportunities
  • Customized learning and developmental opportunities

See https://careers-mvetpartners.icims.com/jobs/10056/certified-veterinary-technician/job for additional information!

Harborside Animal Hospital

Harborside Animal Hospital is seeking a part-time veterinarian. We are a busy, full service veterinary hospital in beautiful Clearwater, Fl. The ideal candidate is a “people person”, outgoing, detail-oriented, highly organized, and must be able to multitask in a fast-paced environment while still maintaining enthusiasm. We have two Cardell anesthetic monitoring machines, CO2 monitoring, blood pressure (including a Doppler), digital radiographs, dental digital radiographs, ultrasound, and an in-house laboratory. Ultrasound training available if needed. New graduates or experienced both welcome. (No after hour emergencies nor on-call.)


Please send resume to melissawalk@yahoo.com if interested.
Melissa Walk, DVM